Thursday, November 1, 2007

first day working

start working in a montessori today
just wanna tell u guys
i m fucking exhausted
being molested, being bullied, erasing their work, running here and there
OMG!! can u feel how tiring i m now??!!

no energy to continue d..
see u guys next time!!

btw, wenyi, next time onli post 5 pic la.. really no mood ler..


Anonymous said...

ah mei... so fast graduate start working in the society liao meh? or as part of practical for your job wor? hehe... thanks for your comment... missing you LOADS...

MEI said...

my first internship ler.. hehe..
still got two more to go..
miss u always.. muakzzz

Anonymous said...

you got molested by kids?
sue them!!!

MEI said...

how to sue ler...
btw, porcupine mind to intro urself..

Anonymous said...

So fast forget me edi ah???
Remember Jeffrey Ong from SMKTAR???
The big and loud prefect?
Emily's husband?
Any hints?

MEI said...

lolz.. of course i remember u!! just cant get any clue by ur nick.. how r u doin lately?? wats ur blog??

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