Monday, November 30, 2009

蔡健雅 - 若你碰到他


蔡健雅 - 若你碰到他

词:蔡健雅 曲:蔡健雅

我的脆弱坚强 互相作战
理性与感性 失去平衡感
不想让自己 活在过去的遗憾
问宇宙 他是否还爱我吗
这问题 早就有答案

若你碰到了 替我问候他
告诉他 我过得很美满
已忘记他 已把泪水全部擦干
若你碰到了 替我问候他
不在乎他 不再爱也不再等待
就这样吧 若你碰到他



爱 没有绝对 虽曾经以为

爱不能倒退 该让它颓废

Monday, November 23, 2009


今天想与大家分享这首歌 “可以爱你真好”

轻轻的~ 淡淡的~ 甜甜的~ 都是这首歌给我的感觉

词-徐世珍 曲-张佳添

可以爱你真好 可以想你真好
可以被拥抱 想起你的微笑 就是会心跳

可以爱你真好 可以想你真好
可以为你烦恼 泪水里尝得到 活着的味道

就算带着泪痕 回忆一样动人
认真过的青春 认真爱过的人

可以爱你真好 可以想你真好
可以天崖海角 你还是会听到 我为你祈祷

不管值不值得 我会永远记得
回忆你的一切 不怕陷得多深

可以爱你真好 可以想你真好
可不可以到老 从来没人知道 其实也不重要

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I am not happy to see all the faces!!!!

I really don't feel like smiling at all!! but wtf... the mask that i am wearing on does not allow me to do so!! I wish I could just leave that place immediately!! I wish someone is there to pull me away!! I wish I wish I wish.. !@#$%^&*()_+

Hate myself for being so fake!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What I want for Christmas?

Due to the side effect of selling grape for almost one week, I become very aimless + hopeless + brainless + heartless to do anything!!! arghhhhhh

Logging into my not-so-active blog, I decided to make some changes to it, and here's my not-so-nice-newly-edited template. Also, I hopped from blog to blog to get myself updated. However, it seems that only few of F.R.I.E.N.D updating their blog frequently.

After reading Cmate's blog , I am so inspired to write on this topic - All I want for Christmas is.....

All these while, I never thought of getting myself a Christmas gift for some reasons; 1)I am not Christian, 2) my family does not celebrate Christmas, 3)there's no snow in Malaysia, 4) I have no $$ to get one!!! But hey, 23 years had passed, life's getting uninteresting; can I wish for something, to mark a happy ending for year 2009? aikzz....

As for me, all I want for Christmas is a music box with ballerina dancing on the mirror stage. Why so? Lets find out together ^^

When I was a kid, I used to play with mum's. I remembered it was in pink, rectangle in shape, with precious moment's figurines for the outer cover, and mirror for the inner part. The body was separated to two parts; one side for storage while the other side was a clear mirror stage.

I could still remember how hard it was for me to twist the windup key, how excited I was when the music started, how eager I was to put the ballerina dancer on the mirror stage, and how happy I was observing the graceful dancer. Misses those time so much!!! sobsob...

Sorry mum, I guess I am the one who spoiled it. If I am not mistaken, I over-twisted the windup key so its broken, followed up by misplacing of the ballerina dancer, then accidentally unplugged the cover from the body, and its officially DEAD. Sad but true, the only thing left behind was the mirror.
* to shyen: yes, the one you are using rite now!!

Beside signifying my precious childhood moments, its also a form of compensation for the mistakes I made. So now you know I wish for a music box so much ^^

So what bout you? What do you want for Christmas?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Restaurant Saba' Cyberjaya

After handing in my 10 marks deducted report, Mei happily drive all the way to Cyberjaya to look for Shyen. Its a tiring journey, but thinking about him just driving me crazy: X

Being very spontaneous, I decided to dine in Restaurant Saba'. This wasn’t my first time, but what make it so special simply because I had my camera with me!! So the yummy apology started here...........

TEL: 03-83202544

Restaurant Saba' claimed to serve original Arabian food. I have no say on this, but one thing to be sure is that, they served super delicious food!!! YES!! SUPER WORTH EATING ARABIAN FOOD!!!

We reached there around 12.30 noon, and that place is already crowded with people.This time round, we ordered sandwiches instead of their famous rice
- Lamb Tikka Rice @ RM15.

For my drink, I am introduced to this Barbican @ RM3. It is an important non-alcoholic malt beverage, which you can choose from a variety of flavor - apple, lemon, raspberry, peach, or regular one. As compared to Bavaria (another important non-alcoholic malt beverage) that I used to order, I feel that the taste of Barbican is lighter and less gassy. Me like!!!

And Shyen ordered this Hummus (appetizer) @ RM5 for me to try out. This appetizer is a bit creamy and sour - as they blend all the ingredients together ( chickpeas drained + yogurt + tahini + garlic + lemon juice + salt + pepper), and garnish with olive oil & summak spice. And it is to eat with the Arabian bread. However, the taste is just toooo x-describable, and me DON LIKE.

As for my sandwich, I choosed Chicken Shawarma. The outer layer of this Arabian bread is a bit crispy, while the inner layer is a bit soft. It is something like naan, but the version with stronger flavor. As for the filling, it composed of marinated + roasted chicken slices, with some spices and french fries. Seriously, its finger licking good! MUST TRY!!

As for Shyen's Chicken Kebab Sandwich, its the same thing like mine, except the chicken slices are replaced by chicken kebab. Not bad too, but I still very very very much like mine. Chicken Shawarma Sandwich ROCKZZ!!!

And here's the tag to present on payment. Its nothing special except for the spelling of 'Restuarant'!! hahahahhaha... Mei being so evil.

So if you happen to crave for arabian food, Restaurant Saba' would definitely be your best choice!! although the food is abit expensive, with bad customer service, mamak-like environment, and bad food presentation, BUT, the food they served are indeed very delicious!!! yum yummm

Saturday, November 14, 2009

To my love, Shyen

seeing you weekly is just not enough!!
am getting teary again when you say goodbye
wanted to hold you tight and never let go anymore
but i cant do anything, but to see you getting far away...
i miss you!! i really really do!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


i asked: how much do you love me?

you answered: I love you like hamster like guachi!

creative enuf?