Tuesday, March 25, 2008

a shang hai guy i met

he's tall, he's man, yet he's so CUTE!!
the way he answer my question, the way he laugh, the way he think...
so so so bashful larrr...
omg, i am so into him now...
slap me please!!!

who is he??? victim for my interview lo.. kekeke..
he's 22, shang hai boy, single and available for the moment..
he might not impressed you if you only take a glance of him,
BUT, the more you look at him, the more he looks attractive...
hmmm.... hmmmmm.... hmmmmmmm........

wait gwen, not the one u saw just now...
another one.. his friend... hehe...

gtg now!! assignment time ^^


Anonymous said...

Ooo... you met a leng chai!

MEI said...

lolz... not really a leng zai... but attractive ^^

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