Monday, March 17, 2008


after all the hard work, after all the stresses, after everything

being not appreciated by someone

i tried to control myself.... but i just cant help it... but just cry

i really feel offended bout wat u say just now

tears fall and my heart feel so pain

did i really did a bad job???

is my layout really tat bad???

sobsob... bebe.. i wish u were here with me

*yea.. i agree very much with mr james.. i am very sentitive to wat people say bout me.. sobsob...


Anonymous said...

i think you did a FANTASTIC job!!
forget what he said..he has no taste=p
don't worry..we love ur layout and we really really appreciate your hard work!!
cheer up k..muaks~

MEI said...

thanks gwen ^^

Cmate said...

Hey babe...

NO matter what others have to say about you, your performance or personality - know that they have no rights to judge you because you are who you are. NO one is perfect. And you have the right to be who you are in whatever you choose to do.

Anonymous said...

I dont knw what happened, but i agree with your friend Cybermate.

Tc girl.

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