Monday, April 7, 2008

missin my wivessss

had a real bad day today
but i don feel like sharing it
nvm, just let it be....

aple, gwen gwen, liew liew, tan tan...
missing u girls so much!!
its getting nearer to our graduation, meaning we have lesser, and lesser and lesser and lesser time to spend together d.....

will we divorce after graduation??
will we forget each other in the future??
will we become stranger when we meet on the street one day?
i hope we wont!!

i am so looking forwards our trip to melacca..
hmm... be able to take lots nice pictures together, share all the nice food together, sleep together and chat till the morning...
i wish i wish~~~~~

just browse thru all our photos, we seemed more MATURED (old) d ler...

wivessss.... thanks for being part of my life ^^
love u girls so much..
muakz muakz muakz muakz muakz


Viola* said...

Mei Mei...It's a part of life that people grow. Old or not is a different story la :) But I think we're all stepping into adulthood pretty gracefully. Albeit there might be some bumps along the way..we'll deal with them.

Don't be so worried. You'll always have people who love you around you. Let's just cherish what we have now and live in the present. Come what may, we'll know we've lived out our greatest moments...NOW.

p.s: you'll always be the sweet adorable Mei Mei.

Melaka here we come!

MEI said...

awwwwww... so sweet!!
yea melaka ^^

Stephanie Tanz said...

love you la!
no divorce la!
might end up far apart.
but it's the memories that counts!

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