Sunday, May 18, 2008

ME in kimono!

Yesterday, i had a great but exhausted trip to Bukit Tinggi, Pahang with my lovely housemate.
however, i am not gonna blog bout the trip today since i am out of time for my assignment!
*wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
BUT, promise is a promise.
so i will show some of the photos of me in kimono.
here are some of the comments from my housemate
Shanna: best shoot of the day.
Kwang: look like AV girl ler!
conclusion from my housemate: look so 妖艳 (pretty and coquettish)!
here you are... mei in kimono.. enjoy!


WenYi said...

hehe, very nice^^ nice nice^^ esp the one next to the window~~ hugs~~

Anonymous said...

Ah, so that's how you look like. Very pretty wor... :)