Sunday, May 31, 2009

modern ramli burger!!

after so so so long, i get to eat modern's ramli burger again!!!! bob, don berlagak in front of me anymore k!! hehe...
i am really freaking satisfied now!! coz the burger really worth a 5 thumbs-up!!!
thanks kakak!!


nana- said...

oh? u got five thumbs? >.<
i only have 2 woh...

hmm... alien.. =D

MEI said...

me two, my sis two, another sis one mar.. so add together mar 5 thumbs lor!! hehe

Rycerain said...

Really nice hor! We one week dunno eat how many times...
Besides waiting for the clock to strike 6pm, one of our main motivation is for the burger stall to open... hahaha...

yeongginn said...

LOL...Bob mana ada berlagak...
for my information...bob is a gud person leh...he wont like tat de...hahaha....

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