Friday, November 20, 2009

What I want for Christmas?

Due to the side effect of selling grape for almost one week, I become very aimless + hopeless + brainless + heartless to do anything!!! arghhhhhh

Logging into my not-so-active blog, I decided to make some changes to it, and here's my not-so-nice-newly-edited template. Also, I hopped from blog to blog to get myself updated. However, it seems that only few of F.R.I.E.N.D updating their blog frequently.

After reading Cmate's blog , I am so inspired to write on this topic - All I want for Christmas is.....

All these while, I never thought of getting myself a Christmas gift for some reasons; 1)I am not Christian, 2) my family does not celebrate Christmas, 3)there's no snow in Malaysia, 4) I have no $$ to get one!!! But hey, 23 years had passed, life's getting uninteresting; can I wish for something, to mark a happy ending for year 2009? aikzz....

As for me, all I want for Christmas is a music box with ballerina dancing on the mirror stage. Why so? Lets find out together ^^

When I was a kid, I used to play with mum's. I remembered it was in pink, rectangle in shape, with precious moment's figurines for the outer cover, and mirror for the inner part. The body was separated to two parts; one side for storage while the other side was a clear mirror stage.

I could still remember how hard it was for me to twist the windup key, how excited I was when the music started, how eager I was to put the ballerina dancer on the mirror stage, and how happy I was observing the graceful dancer. Misses those time so much!!! sobsob...

Sorry mum, I guess I am the one who spoiled it. If I am not mistaken, I over-twisted the windup key so its broken, followed up by misplacing of the ballerina dancer, then accidentally unplugged the cover from the body, and its officially DEAD. Sad but true, the only thing left behind was the mirror.
* to shyen: yes, the one you are using rite now!!

Beside signifying my precious childhood moments, its also a form of compensation for the mistakes I made. So now you know I wish for a music box so much ^^

So what bout you? What do you want for Christmas?


Anonymous said...

my christmas present is too expensive =(

MEI said...

hahhahha... wat is it??

Jovial Teo said...

I want a wonderful xmas celebration

MEI said...

ruru.. plan to celebrate dengan siapa?? where you want to celebrate?? define wonderful lerr