like wat i told in the last post, i've been teaching in TPI for 2 weeks plus..
i was sick from the second day of work... until now still haven recover!!
fever, sore throat, cough, flu, period pain.... non-stop!! do u believe it??!!
anyway, beside the sick part, i started to enjoy my job now.. its kinda challenging ^^
wondering.. 17 years ago,
am i as cute as them?
am i as evil as them in bullying teachers?
am i as stupid as them in doing maths or chinese?
am i as smart as them in finding excuse?
am i as hardworking as yin yi and lazy as yuan han?
hhmmm... wondering....
now, let me intro to you my 17 darlings
top row from the left:
chun pin the fox, chiu yin the quiet one, reena the spoiled child, jared the nasal discharge king, darren the complain king, izzah the onli malay
middle row from the left:
xin yuen the smart shortie, vicky the shy but fierce girl, jeerana the everyone's princess, ee-xian the bahh king, phang ian the molester, joey the anti-candy girl
bottom row from the left:
yuet sze the mummy's girl, jia rou the prettie, yuan han the drama king, yin yi the genius, zoe the future docter
the photo was took during the last day of the class
suddenly, i miss all of them so so so much
altho i was bullied, but i enjoy to be bullied by them
sometimes they are funny, because they wanna cheer me up
sometimes they are sweet, because they wanna to be loved
sometimes they are naughty, because they wanna keep me from boredom
when they make me angry, they will try to comfort me and promise to behave
when they make me down, they will try to make me smile again
when they disappoint me, they will try their best to convince me they will be better
tell me how can i not love them??!!
they are my baby!!
I m glad to have everyone of them appear in my life
appreciated it ^^
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hehehehhe~ still got long way to go.......*Sob*
i miss studying~ ahahaha~ work is something far from me now~ heheheh~
children are cute~ ehhee!
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