Saturday, December 8, 2007

balloon art

its been a while since my last post..
getting lazier and lazier to update my blog..
anyway, today, i would like to share with u all something nice...
balloon art by my future mother-in-law

now guys... tell me wat they are!! ^^


gwen said...

1. flower
2. swan
3. snail

tell me i'm smart!!hee hee:D

MEI said...

gwen, u r so smart!!

Chi Sum said...

1. flower
2. swan
3. snail

Hahaha... really she do one ar?

MEI said...

yaya.. geng rite!! ^^

Anonymous said...

very nice!!!
That lady has admirable strength and skills...
The squeaky sound that the balloon makes scares the hell out of me...

Anonymous said...

update la woi!

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