Wednesday, January 16, 2008

especially for Cmate!!

darling... i really dono what should i blog about...
no direction... no inspiration.. really blank la...
should i still continue??
a question for u...
what is a blog for??


Anonymous said...

Happy CNY!! Run the rat race and succeed, I wish you that!

Hey gal... I just want to say, a blog is a personal thing. Blogging is also a personal commitment. I use blogging to practice my passion for writing, to enhance and be better. But it's also to get to know new friends and explore the world.

I am kinda in a rush here, cause am at grandma's house. I'll be back to write more ya... Meanwhile, if you do wanna stop blogging, i hope we don't have to stop keeping touch ya. Still wanna be your friends le? Facebook or MSN? This is my email: or

Cmate said...

Hey Mei, I am back. How's my DJ gal doing?

Oh ya, I was saying... you should continue blogging. A blog is a place for one to express herself, connect with the world and discover an identity of your own. Did I answer your question? I miss your writings.

MEI said...

thanks cybermate.. will continue blogging soon.. need some time to settle myself.. cya soon ^^

Anonymous said...

Happy Vday! Have a great one ya!! LOVE YOU!

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