Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's day

outside: knock knock..
inside: ....... (no respond. watching the art of sex.)
outside: knock knock knock knock again..
inside: wtf.. who la..

when i opened the door, the first thing which captured my eyes was a ROSE!!
oh bebe, tats really surprised me!! muakzzz

nope, i am not watching porn, tats a movie called the Soul Keeper.
and yea, that my shyen@max surprised me with a rose during valentine's day.

our initial plan was to have a picnic in the park.
looking at the star, enjoying each other's company
i wonder how romantic it can be.
we reached home around 1030pm, its too late to picnic in the park
i was kinda turned off at that moment thou...

eeeeiiiiiiiuuuuuuu pop...
guess whats dat..

instead of stars, the sky was decorated with fireworks.
omg, tats really unexpected!!
so so so BEAUTIFUL
also, lots lantern (孔明灯) were floating in the air.
they were just like the stars...
now u see, now u dont
hmmmm... can u feel how i feel??

lean lightly against shyen
enjoying the fireworks and lantern above
no conversation, no interaction
but i feel you, my love.
i wish the time could just stop... for us...

i don need flowers/stars/fireworks/lantern to have a memorable day
all i need is you
having you with me, feeling you
thats the best present ever.
i love you!!

tada... my rose...

thanks bebe.. muakz...


Anonymous said...

Happy Vday!!!

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